Psychedelic Toad

Acrylic, 20″x60″, 100% bleached cotton canvas
Sharpie Dragon

Eyeshadow: Monarch Butterly 4/29/2020

Eyeshadow: Sunset Cut Crease

Eyeshadow: Green Halo 4/27/2020

Wanted the green to be darker and more sparkly, but I don’t have the colors!
End of Third Year!

Chem Formal

Hello! An update of me and my fine chemistry lady friends transitioning from casualdehyde to formaldehyde! From left to right, we have: Sara (psych and not Chem), Daisy, me, Lindsay, and Ashely. These ladies have all been my lab partners throughout the years! (except Sara but if Sara was in Chem then we also would have been partners).
Compilation of My Favourite Dog Breed :3

If it is not loading, imagine cute dog faces
Stella Needs a Time Oat!